- Where are the export files stored? The export files are accessed from iTunes on your computer. iTunes has moved this functionality around especially in later versions. To see the latest info try the following:
- Search Google for ‘iTunes file sharing’ or ‘iTunes shared files’.
- See https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201301
- WARNING — What files should NOT be deleted? The user’s export file names end with ‘csv’ and the report file names end with ‘txt’. All other files you will see are the database files. Currently, there is no practical way to use these files other than to save them for backup purposes. As long as MedTracker is NOT running on the device it is safe to copy and restore these files as long as you keep them together. Remember this is the only place your data is stored.
- How are export files and reports deleted using iTunes? To delete exported files highlight the filename in iTunes and hit the delete key on your computer keyboard (not the iPhone or iPad). WARNING — Do NOT delete the database (files ending with ‘.sqlite’; ‘MedTracker.sqlite’, ‘MedTracker.sqlite-shm’, and ‘MedTracker.sqlite-wal’) as this will permanently delete all of your data. Also note that all three files, if present, must be kept together or you will lose all of your data.
- How are export files and reports deleted using the device? With iOS 11+ you can use the Apple Files application to delete exports and reports. WARNING — Do NOT delete the database (files ending with ‘.sqlite’; ‘MedTracker.sqlite’, ‘MedTracker.sqlite-shm’, and ‘MedTracker.sqlite-wal’) as this will permanently delete all of your data. Also note that all three files, if present, must be kept together or you will lose all of your data.
- What files are shared, how are they named, and what format are they? There are two views that have the Activity Sharing button:
- In the main view the Activity Sharing button creates an export csv file or a report text file depending on the users selection. These files contain a summary of all medications. This summary file will be named ‘MedicineSummary_’, then the date and will contain a list of all of the medicines defined in MedTracker. The file will have an extension of ‘.csv’ for comma separated value format or ‘.txt’ depending on the users selection.
- In the History view the Activity Sharing button creates an export csv file or a report text file depending on the users selection. The files contain the history shown in the view and are named with the medicine name, the patient name, and the UTC date and time. The file will have an extension of ‘.csv’ for comma separated value format or ‘.txt’ depending on the users selection.
- How do I notify the developers of a bug or request a feature? The developers can be contacted via email address .
- Text reports when opened in Apple’s Pages don’t look correct. What’s wrong? Text reports are exported as text. When opened in Pages the default font is applied which is not a mono-spaced font. To make the reports look acceptable either change the font to a mono-spaced font like Courier or Courier new, or format the text to look correct with the default font.